Years K/1/2
Years 3/4
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Years 9/10
Years 11/12
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Curriculum Details for

Learning Experiences
Content Descriptors
Syllabus Outcomes
Musical Concepts
Musical Skills
  • Learning Experiences
  • Content Descriptors
  • Syllabus Outcomes
  • Musical Concepts
  • Musical Skills
  1. become aware of rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture
  2. explore sounds as they learn to listen to and make music
  3. learn to discriminate between sounds and silence, and loud and soft sounds
  4. learn to move and perform with beat and tempo
  5. learn to listen as performers and as audience
  1. extend their understanding of the elements of music as they develop their aural skills
  2. match pitch and show the direction of a tune with gesture or drawings
  3. recognise difference between notes moving by step and by leap
  4. recognise and discriminate between rhythm and beat
  5. explore meaning and interpretation, forms, and elements including rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture as they make and respond to music
  6. learn to listen as performers and as audience, extending their awareness of themselves and others as performers and as audience
  1. further their understanding of rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture in music
  2. extend their understanding and use of aural skills as they sing and play independent parts against contrasting parts and recognise instrumental, vocal and digitally generated sounds
  3. explore and use rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture in music they perform and compose
  4. explore meaning and interpretation, forms and elements of music as they make and respond to music
  1. build on their aural skills by identifying and manipulating rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture in their listening, composing and performing
  2. aurally identify layers within a texture
  3. sing and play independent parts against contrasting parts
  4. recognise rhythmic, melodic and harmonic patterns and beat groupings
  5. understand their role within an ensemble and control tone and volume
  6. perform with expression and technical control
  7. identify a variety of audiences for which music is made
  8. draw on music from a range of cultures, times and locations as they experience music
  9. explore the music and influences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and those of the Asia region
  10. learn that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have converted oral records to other technologies
  11. learn that over time there has been further development of techniques used in traditional and contemporary styles of music as they explore form in music
  12. explore meaning and interpretation, forms, and elements including rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture as they make and respond to music
  13. consider social, cultural and historical contexts of music
  14. evaluate the expressive techniques used in music they listen to and experience in performance
  15. maintain safety, correct posture and technique in using instruments and technologies
  16. build on their understanding from previous bands of the roles of artists and audiences as they engage with more diverse music
  1. continue to develop their aural skills as they build on their understanding and use of the elements of music
  2. extend their understanding and use of more complex rhythms and diversity of pitch and incorporate dynamics and expression in different forms
  3. extend their use of and identification of timbre to discriminate between different instruments and different voice types
  4. build on their understanding of their role within an ensemble as they control tone and volume in a range of styles using instrumental and vocal techniques
  5. extend technical and expressive skills in performance from the previous band
  6. draw on music from a range of cultures, times and locations as they experience music
  7. explore the music and influences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and those of the Asia region
  8. learn that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have converted oral records to other technologies
  9. learn that over time there has been further development of different traditional and contemporary styles as they explore music forms
  10. reflect on the development of traditional and contemporary styles of music and how musicians can be identified through the style of their music
  11. explore meaning and interpretation, forms and elements, and social, cultural and historical contexts of music as they make and respond to music
  12. evaluate performers' success in expressing the composers' intentions and expressive skills in music they listen to and perform
  13. maintain safety, correct posture and technique in using instruments and technologies
  14. build on their understanding from previous bands of the roles of artists and audiences as they engage with more diverse music
  1. Performance, Composition, Musicology and Aural
  2. There is currently no Australian Curriculum for Years 11-12. However, there are a number of lesson tasks that would be very useful for those students studying music in Years 11-12.
    In NSW, 3 courses are offered - Music 1, Music 2, Extension.
    In Qld, 2 courses are offered - Music and Music Extension.
    In Vic, 1 course is offered.
  3. Music 1 builds on the Years 7-10 Mandatory course. It caters for students who have diverse musical backgrounds and musical interests, including those with an interest in popular music. It therefore attracts students with a formal musical background as well as those with only informal experience.
    Music 1 assumes no prior knowledge of musical notation beyond the basic introduction in the Years 7-10 Mandatory course. It recognises that students who have had no further involvement in Music beyond their introduction in the Mandatory course will need to revisit elementary musical skills and understanding.
  4. Music 2 builds on the Years 7-10 Mandatory and Elective courses and focuses on the study of Western art music. It assumes students have a formal background in music, have developed music literacy skills and have some knowledge and understanding of musical styles.
    Music 2 focuses on Western art music but requires students to place this study in a broader musical context. It provides opportunities for students to develop knowledge, skills and understanding in a wide range of musical styles and contexts, and a structure in which they can pursue an area of specialisation. Music 2 Outcomes are those shown in the Syllabus Outcomes tab.
  5. The Extension course builds on Music 2 and assumes a high level of music literacy, advanced performance skills or composition skills or musicology skills.
  1. Develop aural skills by exploring and imitating sounds, pitch and rhythm patterns using voice, movement and body percussion
  2. Sing and play instruments to improvise, practise a repertoire of chants, songs and rhymes, including songs used by cultural groups in the community
  3. Create compositions and perform music to communicate ideas to an audience
  4. Respond to music and consider where and why people make music, starting with Australian music, including music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
  1. Develop aural skills by exploring, imitating and recognising elements of music including dynamics, pitch and rhythm patterns
  2. Practise singing, playing instruments and improvising music, using elements of music including rhythm, pitch, dynamics and form in a range of pieces, including in music from the local community
  3. Create, perform and record compositions by selecting and organising sounds, silence, tempo and volume
  4. Identify intended purposes and meanings as they listen to music using the elements of music to make comparisons, starting with Australian music, including music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
  1. Explore dynamics and expression, using aural skills to identify and perform rhythm and pitch patterns
  2. Develop technical and expressive skills in singing and playing instruments with understanding of rhythm, pitch and form in a range of pieces, including music from the community
  3. Rehearse and perform music including music they have composed by improvising, sourcing and arranging ideas and making decisions to engage an audience
  4. Explain how the elements of music communicate meaning by comparing music from different social, cultural and historical contexts, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music
  1. Experiment with texture and timbre in sound sources using aural skills
  2. Develop musical ideas, such as mood, by improvising, combining and manipulating the elements of music
  3. Practise and rehearse a variety of music, including Australian music to develop technical and expressive skills
  4. Structure compositions by combining and manipulating the elements of music using notation
  5. Perform and present a range of music, using techniques and expression appropriate to style
  6. Analyse composers' use of the elements of music and stylistic features when listening to and interpreting music
  7. Identify and connect specific features and purposes of music from different eras to explore viewpoints and enrich their music making, starting with Australian music including music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
  1. Improvise and arrange music, using aural recognition of texture, dynamics and expression to manipulate the elements of music to explore personal style in composition and performance
  2. Manipulate combinations of the elements of music in a range of styles, using technology and notation
  3. Practise and rehearse to refine a variety of performance repertoire with increasing technical and interpretative skill
  4. Plan and organise compositions with an understanding of style and convention, including drawing upon Australian music by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists
  5. Perform music applying techniques and expression to interpret the composer's use of elements of music
  6. Evaluate a range of music and compositions to inform and refine their own compositions and performances
  7. Analyse a range of music from contemporary and past times to explore differing viewpoints and enrich their music making, starting with Australian music, including music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and consider music in international contexts
  1. Improvise and arrange music, using aural recognition of texture, dynamics and expression to manipulate the elements of music to explore personal style in composition and performance
  2. Manipulate combinations of the elements of music in a range of styles, using technology and notation
  3. Practise and rehearse to refine a variety of performance repertoire with increasing technical and interpretative skill
  4. Plan and organise compositions with an understanding of style and convention, including drawing upon Australian music by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists
  5. Perform music applying techniques and expression to interpret the composer's use of elements of music
  6. Evaluate a range of music and compositions to inform and refine their own compositions and performances
  7. Analyse a range of music from contemporary and past times to explore differing viewpoints and enrich their music making, starting with Australian music, including music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, and consider music in international contexts
1. Rhythm (Duration)
sound/silence, long/short, fast/slow, beat and rhythm, rest, ostinato, tempo, crotchet, crotchet rest, quavers in pairs, experience of duple and triple metres e.g. 2/4 and 3/4
2. Pitch
high/low, pitch direction (going up or down), pitch matching, unison
3. Dynamics and Expression
loud (forte) f and soft (piano) p
4. Form (Structure)
same/different, patterns, repetition, echo, introduction, verse, chorus, round
5. Timbre (Tone Colour)
every voice and instrument has its own distinct sound; how sound is produced including hit, blown, plucked and shaken
6. Texture
unison, melody and accompaniment, round, drone
1. Rhythm (Duration)
simple metres, crotchet , crotchet rest, quaver, semiquaver, dotted crotchet, quavers in groups of 3 & identical rests in repertoire studied, ostinato, tempo changes (faster & slower)
2. Pitch
pentatonic patterns, melodic shape, recognising steps and leaps, treble clef, staff
3. Dynamics and Expression
very soft (pianissimo) pp and very loud (fortissimo) ff, gradually getting louder (crescendo), gradually getting softer (decrescendo), smoothly, short and detached
4. Form (Structure)
question and answer (call and response), repeat signs, binary (AB) & ternary (ABA) forms
5. Timbre (Tone Colour)
recognising familiar instrumental timbres in isolation and combination
6. Texture
combining two or more rhythmic or melodic patterns which occur simultaneously in different voices
1. Rhythm (Duration)
simple metres and time signatures (2/4, 3/4, 4/4) , bars and barlines
semibreve, minim, crotchet, crotchet rest, quaver, and associated rests, semiquaver
compound metre (6/8), dotted crotchet, crotchet, quaver, quavers in groups of 3
semiquaver, dotted crotchet rest
2. Pitch
pentatonic and major scales
recognising pitch sequences such as an arpeggio or riff; treble and bass clef
3. Dynamics and Expression
smoothly (legato), detached (staccato), accent
4. Form (Structure)
theme/motif, phrase, rondo (ABACA), riff, ostinato
5. Timbre (Tone Colour)
acoustic, electronic sounds; voice and instrument types
6. Texture
contrast within layers of sound
1. Rhythm (Duration)
time signature, semiquaver subdivisions, dotted notes, minim and semibreve rests, quaver rest, dotted crotchet rest
rhythmic devices such as anacrusis, syncopation, ties and pause
2. Pitch
melodic sequences based upon pentatonic, major and minor scales; key and key signatures; major and minor chords and primary triads (I, IV, V) in simple chord progressions; reading treble and bass clefs and ledger lines
3. Dynamics and Expression
dynamic gradations including mp and mf; articulations relevant to style, for example, glissando, slide, slap, melismatic phrasing
4. Form (Structure)
repetition and contrast; call and response; digital sequences; theme and variation; 12 bar blues; popular song structures including verse, chorus, bridge, middle 8, intro and outro
5. Timbre (Tone Colour)
recognising instrumental types and groups; voice types; acoustic and electronic sound
6. Texture
identifying layers of sound and their role (accompaniment and melody); unison, homophonic (melody with chords), polyphonic (two or more independent layers played simultaneously)
1. Rhythm (Duration)
regular and irregular time signature and beat subdivisions; triplets and duplets; further time signature
complex metres, required note groupings: 5/4, 7/8, 9/8
rhythmic devices including syncopation, rhythmic motif, rhythmic augmentation and diminution
2. Pitch
melodies and chords based on major, minor and modal scales; tonal centres; modulation; consonance and dissonance; chromaticism; pitch devices including riff, ostinato and pedal note
3. Dynamics and Expression
dynamic gradations; expressive devices and articulations relevant to style such as rubato, ornamentation, terraced dynamics, pitch bending, vibrato, oscillation, filters and pedals
4. Form (Structure)
structures appropriate to styles and repertoire studied including theme, hook, motivic development, head, sonata form, interlude and improvisation
5. Timbre (Tone Colour)
identifying instruments and voice types by name and method of sound production; use of mutes, pedals, harmonics, digitally manipulated sound, distortion, and techniques appropriate to style
6. Texture
horizontal and vertical layers appropriate to styles and repertoire studied; homophonic and polyphonic writing, countermelody and white noise
1. Rhythm (Duration)
regular and irregular metres, metric groupings, tempo, rhythmic devices such as syncopation, augmentation and diminution, methods of notating duration, both traditional and graphic.
2. Pitch
high/low: pitches can be comparatively high or low, direction of pitch movement: up, down, same level, melody: a horizontal succession of pitches, harmony: two or more pitches sounding together, indefinite pitch: untuned sounds, for example, the speaking voice, definite pitch: tuned sounds, for example, the singing voice.
3. Dynamics and Expression
a range of dynamics, including gradations, articulations, tempo, including gradations, stylistic indications.
4. Form (Structure)
phrases, motifs, riffs/repetitive patterns, techniques of call and response/question and answer, traditional and non-traditional patterns of musical structure, structures used in world music, structures used in single pieces of music, multi-movement structures (eg symphony).
5. Timbre (Tone Colour)
sound source material, for example, wood, metal, string, skin, electronic and vocal, method of sound production, for example, blowing, hitting, plucking, scraping and shaking, combination of sound sources, for example, single voice, multiple voices, voices accompanied or unaccompanied by instruments.
6. Texture
the layers of sound and their function, the roles of instruments and/or voices.
  1. discriminating between sounds and silence
  2. moving and performing with an understanding of beat and tempo
  3. demonstrating the difference between singing and speaking voice
  4. discriminating between loud and soft, long and short, high and low
  5. recognising familiar instrument timbres
  6. using technology as a tool for music learning
  7. holding and playing classroom instruments safely and correctly
  8. understanding turn-taking in group music making
  9. playing in time
  1. matching pitch and showing the direction of a tune with gesture or drawings
  2. recognising the differences between notes moving by steps and leaps
  3. discriminating between rhythm and beat
  4. demonstrating beat and tempo changes
  5. matching and varying dynamics
  6. varying instrumental timbres to create expressive effects using instruments and voices safely and correctly in the classroom
  7. taking on different roles in group music making, for example, accompaniment, lead
  8. using technology as a tool for music making and performance
  1. identifying and notating metre and rhythmic groupings
  2. singing and playing independent parts against contrasting parts
  3. recognising instrumental and vocal timbres and digitally generated sounds
  4. using available technology and digital media as a tool for music learning
  5. holding and playing instruments and using their voices safely and correctly
  6. listening to others controlling volume and tone in ensemble activities
  1. recognising rhythmic patterns and beat groupings
  2. discriminating between pitches, recognising intervals and familiar chord progressions
  3. identifying and notating metre and rhythmic groupings
  4. aurally identifying layers within a texture
  5. imitating simple melodies and rhythms using voice and instruments
  6. performing with expression and technical control, correct posture and safety
  7. understanding their role within an ensemble, balancing and controlling tone and volume
  8. using technology as a tool for music learning and to record their music
  9. holding and playing instruments and using their voices safely and correctly
  1. singing and playing music in two or more parts in a range of styles
  2. performing with expression and technical control and an awareness of ensemble
  1. collecting, analysing and organising information
  2. communicating ideas and information
  3. planning and organising activities
  4. working with others and in teams
  5. developing aural skills
  6. problem solving
  1. MUS1.1 Sings, plays and moves to a range of music, demonstrating an awareness of musical concepts.
  2. MUS1.2 Explores, creates, selects and organises sound in simple structures.
  3. MUS1.3 Uses symbol systems to represent sounds.
  4. MUS1.4 Responds to a range of music, expressing likes and dislikes and the reasons for these choices.
  1. MUS2.1 Sings, plays and moves to a range of music, demonstrating a basic knowledge of musical concepts.
  2. MUS2.2 Improvises musical phrases, organises sounds and explains reasons for choices.
  3. MUS2.3 Uses commonly understood symbols to represent own work.
  4. MUS2.4 Identifies the use of musical concepts and musical symbols in a range of repertoire.
  1. MUS3.1 Sings, plays and moves to a range of music, individually and in groups, demonstrating a knowledge of musical concepts.
  2. MUS3.2 Improvises, experiments, selects, combines and orders sound using musical concepts.
  3. MUS3.3 Notates and discusses own work and the work of others.
  4. MUS3.4 Identifies the use of musical concepts and symbols in a range of musical styles.
  1. 4.1 performs in a range of musical styles demonstrating an understanding of musical concepts
  2. 4.2 performs music using different forms of notation and different types of technology across a broad range of musical styles
  3. 4.3 performs music demonstrating solo and/or ensemble awareness
  4. 4.4 demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through exploring, experimenting, improvising, organising, arranging and composing
  5. 4.5 notates compositions using traditional and/or nontraditional notation
  6. 4.6 experiments with different forms of technology in the composition process
  7. 4.7 demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through listening, observing, responding, discriminating, analysing, discussing and recording musical ideas
  8. 4.8 demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through aural identification and discussion of the features of a range of repertoire
  9. 4.9 demonstrates musical literacy through the use of notation, terminology, and the reading and interpreting of scores used in the music selected for study
  10. 4.10 identifies the use of technology in the music selected for study, appropriate to the musical context
  11. 4.11 demonstrates an appreciation, tolerance and respect for the aesthetic value of music as an artform
  12. 4.12 demonstrates a developing confidence and willingness to engage in performing, composing and listening experiences
  1. 5.1 performs repertoire with increasing levels of complexity in a range of musical styles demonstrating an understanding of the musical concepts
  2. 5.2 performs repertoire in a range of styles and genres demonstrating interpretation of musical notation and the application of different types of technology
  3. 5.3 performs music selected for study with appropriate stylistic features demonstrating solo and ensemble awareness
  4. 5.4 demonstrates an understanding of the musical concepts through improvising, arranging and composing in the styles or genres of music selected for study
  5. 5.5 notates own compositions, applying forms of notation appropriate to the music selected for study
  6. 5.6 uses different forms of technology in the composition process
  7. 5.7 demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through the analysis, comparison, and critical discussion of music from different stylistic, social, cultural and historical contexts
  8. 5.8 demonstrates an understanding of musical concepts through aural identification, discrimination, memorisation and notation in the music selected for study
  9. 5.9 demonstrates an understanding of musical literacy through the appropriate application of notation, terminology, and the interpretation and analysis of scores used in the music selected for study
  10. 5.10 demonstrates an understanding of the influence and impact of technology on music
  11. 5.11 demonstrates an appreciation, tolerance and respect for the aesthetic value of music as an artform
  12. 5.12 demonstrates a developing confidence and willingness to engage in performing, composing and listening experiences
  1. 6.1 performs repertoire that reflects the mandatory and additional topics and addresses the stylistic and technical demands of the music as a soloist and as a member of an ensemble
  2. 6.2 demonstrates an understanding of the relationships between combinations of the concepts of music, by interpreting, notating, analysing, discussing, composing and evaluating combinations of musical symbols reflecting those characteristically used in the mandatory and additional topics
  3. 6.3 composes works focusing on a range of concepts, for familiar and unfamiliar sound sources, solo, small and large ensembles, or using a variety of musical structures
  4. 6.4 stylistically creates, improvises, arranges and notates music which is representative of the mandatory and additional topics and demonstrates different social, cultural and historical contexts
  5. 6.5 analyses, discusses, evaluates and clearly articulates compositional processes with stylistic, historical, cultural, social and musical considerations
  6. 6.6 discusses, constructively criticises and evaluates performances and compositions of others and self with particular reference to stylistic features of the context
  7. 6.7 critically evaluates and discusses in detail the concepts of music in works representative of the mandatory and additional topics
  8. 6.8 understands the capabilities of performing media, incorporates technologies into compositions and performances as appropriate to the contexts studied
  9. 6.9 identifies, recognises, experiments with, and discusses the uses and effects of technology in music
  10. 6.10 performs as a means of self expression and communication
  11. 6.11 demonstrates a willingness to participate in performance, composition, musicology and aural activities
  12. 6.12 demonstrates a willingness to accept and use constructive criticism

Mastering Music Lessons for

Lesson Order
Activity Type
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Lesson TopicTaskTask DescriptionDisplay ViewActivity TypeContent DescriptorsMusical ConceptsSyllabus Outcomes
Musical Stories 1The Lion and the MouseExercisemusicianship   
Instrument Families 1Describe Instrument FamiliesExercisecomposing      
Staff, Clef and Notes 1Staff and PitchExercisemusicianship           
Staff, Clef and Notes 2Treble ClefExercisemusicianship           
Staff, Clef and Notes 7Treble Clef ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Beginner Songs1One note waltzNotationperforming     
Beginner Songs23 note Hot Cross BunsNotationperforming     
Beginner Songs36 note Twinkle Twinkle Little StarNotationperforming     
Note Durations 1Semibreve, Minim, CrotchetExercisemusicianship           
Note Durations 3QuaverExercisemusicianship           
Note Durations 6Semibreve, Minim, Crotchet ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Note Durations 7Quaver ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Rest Durations 1Semibreve, Minim, CrotchetExercisemusicianship           
Rest Durations 4Semibreve, Minim, Crotchet ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Instruments Aural13 Random InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural24 Random InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural35 Random InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural46 Random InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural57 Random InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural68 Random InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural7Woodwind InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural8Brass InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural9Percussion InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural10String InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural11Guitar InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural12Keyboard InstrumentsExercisemusicianship          
Instruments Aural133 Random InstrumentsAssessmentmusicianship          
Instruments Aural144 Random InstrumentsAssessmentmusicianship          
Instruments Aural155 Random InstrumentsAssessmentmusicianship          
Instruments Aural166 Random InstrumentsAssessmentmusicianship          
Instruments Aural177 Random InstrumentsAssessmentmusicianship          
Instruments Aural188 Random InstrumentsAssessmentmusicianship          
Lesson TopicTaskTask DescriptionDisplay ViewActivity TypeContent DescriptorsMusical ConceptsSyllabus Outcomes
Note Durations 2Note StemsExercisemusicianship           
Note Durations 4SemiquaverExercisemusicianship           
Note Durations 5Dotted NotesExercisemusicianship           
Note Durations 8Semiquaver ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Note Durations 9Note Equalities ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Rest Durations 2Quaver, SemiquaverExercisemusicianship           
Rest Durations 3Dotted RestsExercisemusicianship           
Rest Durations 5Quaver, Semiquaver ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Rest Durations 6Rest Equalities ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Easy Songs1One note swingNotationperforming     
Easy Songs2One note cha chaNotationperforming     
Easy Songs3One note rhumbaNotationperforming     
Changing Instruments1PianoGlobalcomposing         
Changing Instruments2OrganGlobalcomposing         
Changing Instruments3GuitarGlobalcomposing         
Play-along Songs1This Old ManNotationperforming     
Play-along Songs2Camptown RacesNotationperforming     
Play-along Songs3Old MacDonaldNotationperforming     
Play-along Songs4William TellNotationperforming     
Changing Instruments4Melody & ChordsGlobalcomposing         
Changing Instruments5Instrument ChoiceGlobalcomposing         
Changing Instruments6Instrument ChoiceGlobalcomposing         
Folk Songs1Country GardenNotationperforming     
Folk Songs2KookaburraNotationperforming     
Correcting Instruments1Jazz EnsembleGlobalcomposing         
Correcting Instruments2Vocals + AccompanimentGlobalcomposing         
Correcting Instruments3OrchestraGlobalcomposing         
Folk Songs3London BridgeNotationperforming     
Folk Songs4When the SaintsNotationperforming     
Identifying Instruments1Instrumental EnsembleGlobalcomposing         
Identifying Instruments2Rock BandGlobalcomposing         
Tempo Marks 1Tempo Definition and TermsExercisemusicianship           
Tempo Marks 2Tempo ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Tempo1Zorba's DanceTempocomposing       
Tempo2Hall of Mountain KingTempocomposing       
Musical Forms 1Motive and PhraseExercisemusicianship          
Musical Forms 2AB (Binary) FormNotationmusicianship          
Musical Forms 3Binary Form ExerciseExercisemusicianship          
Musical Forms 4ABA (Ternary) FormNotationmusicianship          
Musical Forms 5Ternary Form ExerciseExercisemusicianship          
Musical Forms 6Binary/Ternary Form ReviewAssessmentmusicianship          
Writing Manuscript1Notes and DynamicsNotationpublishing       
Adding Lyrics1Hot Cross BunsNotationpublishing         
Drum Grooves1Kick, Snare, Hi Hat, Scr PushDrumcomposing      
Intervals Aural0Interval Definition + ExamplesExercisemusicianship          
Intervals Aural1Maj2, Per8Auralmusicianship          
Intervals Aural2Maj2, Maj3, Per8Auralmusicianship          
Intervals Written1Maj2, Per8Assessmentmusicianship          
Intervals Written2Maj2, Maj3, Per8Assessmentmusicianship          
Lesson TopicTaskTask DescriptionDisplay ViewActivity TypeContent DescriptorsMusical ConceptsSyllabus Outcomes
Staff, Clef and Notes 3Bass ClefExercisemusicianship           
Staff, Clef and Notes 4Grand StaffExercisemusicianship           
Staff, Clef and Notes 5Ledger LinesExercisemusicianship           
Staff, Clef and Notes 6Staff True/False ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Staff, Clef and Notes 8Bass Clef ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Staff, Clef and Notes 9Ledger Line Notes ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Staff, Clef and Notes 10Grand Staff Notes ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Note Recognition1Treble ClefNotationpublishing         
Note Recognition2Bass ClefNotationpublishing         
Correcting Instruments4Instrument ChoiceGlobalcomposing         
Bar and Time Signature 1Bar, Barline, Double Bar, 4/4 TimeExercisemusicianship           
Bar and Time Signature 22/4 Time SignatureExercisemusicianship           
Bar and Time Signature 33/4 Time SignatureExercisemusicianship           
Bar and Time Signature 46/8 Time SignatureExercisemusicianship           
Bar and Time Signature 5Time Signatures ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Writing Counts1Semibreve, Minims, Crotchets, QuaversExercisemusicianship         
Writing Counts2Semibreve, Minims, Crotchets, QuaversAssessmentmusicianship         
Writing Counts3Semibreve, Minims, Crotchets, Quavers, SemiquaversExercisemusicianship         
Writing Counts4Semibreve, Minims, Crotchets, Quavers, SemiquaversAssessmentmusicianship         
Writing Counts5Add Quaver + Semiquaver pairsExercisemusicianship         
Writing Counts6Add Quaver + Semiquaver pairsAssessmentmusicianship         
Rock Songs1Let Us AdoreNotationperforming   
Rock Songs2I Will SingNotationperforming   
Clefs1Treble to Bass ClefNotationpublishing         
Clefs2Bass to Treble ClefNotationpublishing         
Clefs3Treble to Bass ClefNotationpublishing         
Dynamics 1Dynamic Definition and SymbolsExercisemusicianship           
Dynamics 2Dynamic ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Using Dynamics1Full Range including GradesNotationcomposing        
Using Dynamics2Full Range including GradesNotationcomposing         
Accidentals 1FlatExercisemusicianship           
Accidentals 2SharpExercisemusicianship           
Accidentals 3NaturalExercisemusicianship           
Accidentals 4Bar AccidentalsExercisemusicianship           
Accidentals 5Flat ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Accidentals 6Sharp ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Accidentals 7Natural ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Accidentals 8Bar Accidentals ReviewAssessmentmusicianship           
Editing Notes1Fixing Errors in Well-known MelodiesNotationcomposing          
Selecting Instruments1Instrument FamilyGlobalcomposing         
Selecting Instruments2Full OrchestraGlobalcomposing         
Identifying Instruments3Big BandGlobalcomposing         
Orchestral Songs11812 OvertureNotationperforming   
Orchestral Songs2Anna's SongNotationperforming   
Arranging11812 Overture in 4 PartsGlobalcomposing     
Arranging2Bach Sonata in 4 PartsGlobalcomposing     
Accent Marks 1Accent MarksExercisemusicianship          
Accent Marks 2Accent Marks ReviewAssessmentmusicianship          
Staccato Marks 1Staccato MarksExercisemusicianship          
Staccato Marks 2Staccato Marks ReviewAssessmentmusicianship          
Writing Manuscript2Notes, Dynamics and AccentsNotationpublishing      
Compose in Keyboard1Compose Mary Had a Little LambKeyboardcomposing       
Musical Forms 7Rondo FormNotationmusicianship          
Musical Forms 8Rondo Form ExerciseExercisemusicianship          
Musical Forms 9Musical Forms ReviewAssessmentmusicianship          
Adding Lyrics2Twinkle Twinkle Little StarNotationpublishing         
Adding Lyrics3Jingle BellsNotationpublishing         
Intervals Aural3Per4, Per5Auralmusicianship          
Intervals Aural4Per4, Per5, Per8Auralmusicianship          
Intervals Aural5Maj2, Maj3, Per4, Per5, Per8Auralmusicianship          
Intervals Written3Per4, Per5Assessmentmusicianship          
Intervals Written4Per4, Per5, Per8Assessmentmusicianship          
Intervals Written5Maj2, Maj3, Per4, Per5, Per8Assessmentmusicianship          
Christmas Solos1Jingle BellsNotationperforming   
Christmas Solos2We Wish You a Merry ChristmasNotationperforming   
Christmas Solos3Silent NightNotationperforming   
Christmas Solos4Away In a MangerNotationperforming   
Lesson TopicTaskTask DescriptionDisplay ViewActivity TypeContent DescriptorsMusical ConceptsSyllabus Outcomes
Time Signatures1Common Time SignaturesNotationpublishing                  
Writing Dynamics1ppp to fffNotationpublishing                  
Writing Dynamics2Full range + gradesNotationpublishing                  
Using Dynamics3Multiple TracksNotationcomposing                  
Semitones and Tones 1Semitone and ToneExercisemusicianship                  
Semitones and Tones 2Semitone and Tone ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Ties and Slurs 1Tied NotesExercisemusicianship                  
Ties and Slurs 2SlursExercisemusicianship                  
Ties and Slurs 3Tie or Slur ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Ensemble Arranging1Ode to Joy String QuartetGlobalcomposing                
Ensemble Arranging2Ode to Joy Woodwind QuartetGlobalcomposing                
Ensemble Arranging3Ode to Joy Brass QuartetGlobalcomposing                
Enharmonic Notes 1Enharmonic NotesExercisemusicianship                   
Enharmonic Notes 2Enharmonic Notes ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                   
Major Scales 1Tetrachord & C Major ScaleExercisemusicianship                  
Major Scales 2Sharp Major ScalesExercisemusicianship                  
Major Scales 3Flat Major ScalesExercisemusicianship                  
Major Scales 4Tetrachord ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Major Scales 5Major Scale ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Folk Advanced1Click Go the ShearsNotationperforming            
Rhythmic Exercises1Crotchets + Quaver PairsExercisemusicianship                  
Rhythmic Exercises2Crotchet, 2 x Quaver, 4 x Semiquaver Exercisemusicianship                  
Rhythmic Dictation1Crotchets + Quaver PairsAssessmentmusicianship                  
Rhythmic Dictation2Crotchet, 2 x Quaver, 4 x Semiquaver Assessmentmusicianship                  
Melodic Exercises13 Notes, crotchets, 2 barsExercisemusicianship              
Melodic Exercises24 Notes, crotchets + 2 quavers, 2 barsExercisemusicianship              
Melodic Dictation13 Notes, crotchets, 2 barsAssessmentmusicianship              
Melodic Dictation24 Notes, crotchets + 2 quavers, 2 barsAssessmentmusicianship              
Quantizing2Crotchet, Quaver, SemiquaverGlobalcomposing                  
Folk Advanced2Bonnies RevengeNotationperforming            
Folk Advanced3Be Thou My VisionNotationperforming            
Major Key Signatures 1Sharp Major Key SignaturesExercisemusicianship                  
Major Key Signatures 2Flat Major Key SignaturesExercisemusicianship                  
Major Key Signatures 3Circle of FifthsExercisemusicianship                  
Major Key Signatures 4Major Key Signatures ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Minor Scales 1Minor ScalesExercisemusicianship                  
Minor Scales 2Minor Scales ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Ensemble Balance1Jazz ComboMixdowncomposing              
Ensemble Balance2Japanese ComboMixdowncomposing              
Ensemble Balance3Latin ComboMixdowncomposing              
Solfa and Transposition 1SolfaExercisemusicianship                  
Solfa and Transposition 2Solfa ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Solfa and Transposition 3TranspositionExercisemusicianship                  
Solfa and Transposition 4Transposition ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Syncopation 1On/Off Beat and SyncopationExercisemusicianship                  
Syncopation 2Syncopation ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Performance1Wise ManNotationperforming            
Intervals Aural6Maj6, Maj7Auralmusicianship                  
Intervals Aural7Maj2, Maj3, Maj6, Maj7Auralmusicianship                  
Intervals Aural8Maj2, Maj3, Per4, Per5, Maj6, Maj7, Per8 Auralmusicianship                  
Intervals Written6Maj6, Maj7Assessmentmusicianship                 
Intervals Written7Maj2, Maj3, Maj6, Maj7Assessmentmusicianship                 
Intervals Written8Maj2, Maj3, Per4, Per5, Maj6, Maj7, Per8Assessmentmusicianship                 
Compose in Keyboard2Compose Twinkle Twinkle Little StarKeyboardcomposing                 
Drum Grooves2Compose Drum Groove to match songDrumcomposing                 
Chords Aural0Chord Definition + ExamplesExercisemusicianship                 
Chords Aural1Maj, minAuralmusicianship                 
Chords Written0Chord Definition + ExamplesExercisemusicianship                
Chords Written1Maj, minExercisemusicianship                
Chords Written2Maj, minAssessmentmusicianship                
Adding Chords1C, F and G MajorNotationcomposing                   
Adding Chords2C, F and G MajorNotationcomposing                   
Adding Chords3C, F and G MajorNotationcomposing                   
Chord Symbols1Identify and Name Manual ChordNotationpublishing                    
Chord Symbols2Auto ChordNotationpublishing                    
Chord Symbols3Auto Chord Delete DuplicatesNotationpublishing                    
Creating Chords1Major and minor triads root positionNotationmusicianship                
Choir Songs1Ode to JoyNotationperforming            
Choir Songs2O Holy NightNotationperforming            
Writing Manuscript3Notes, Dynamics, Accents, SlursNotationpublishing                  
Writing Manuscript4Notes, Dynamics, TripletsNotationpublishing                  
Film Scoring1Sync Sound Effects to Video ClipGlobalcomposing            
Major Key Harmony 1Chords 1, IV and VExercisemusicianship                
Major Key Harmony 2Passing and Neighbouring NotesExercisemusicianship                
Major Key Harmony 3Major Scale Degree Chords ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                
Major Key Harmony 4Passing & Neighbouring Notes ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                
Major Key Harmony 5Major Chord AccompanimentNotationmusicianship                
Major Key Harmony 6Major Chord Accompaniment ExerciseNotationmusicianship                
Minor Key Harmony 1Chords i, iv and VExercisemusicianship                
Minor Key Harmony 2Minor Scale Degree Chords ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                
Lesson TopicTaskTask DescriptionDisplay ViewActivity TypeContent DescriptorsMusical ConceptsSyllabus Outcomes
Time Signatures2Uncommon Time SignaturesNotationpublishing                   
Clefs4Bass to Alto ClefNotationpublishing                    
Rhythmic Exercises3Crotchets, Quavers, SemiquaversExercisemusicianship               
Rhythmic Exercises4Crotchets, Quavers, SemiquaversExercisemusicianship               
Rhythmic Dictation3Crotchets, Quavers, SemiquaversAssessmentmusicianship               
Rhythmic Dictation4Crotchets, Quavers, SemiquaversAssessmentmusicianship               
Melodic Exercises33 Notes, crotchets, 4 barsExercisemusicianship             
Melodic Exercises44 Notes, crotchets + 2 quavers, 4 barsExercisemusicianship             
Melodic Dictation33 Notes, crotchets, 4 barsAssessmentmusicianship             
Melodic Dictation44 Notes, crotchets + 2 quavers, 4 barsAssessmentmusicianship             
Intervals Aural9min2, min3Auralmusicianship                  
Intervals Aural10min6, min7Auralmusicianship                  
Intervals Aural11min2, min3, min6, min7Auralmusicianship                  
Intervals Aural12min2, Maj2, min3, Maj3, min6, Maj6, min7, Maj7Auralmusicianship                  
Intervals Written9min2, min3Assessmentmusicianship                 
Intervals Written10min6, min7Assessmentmusicianship                 
Intervals Written11min2, min3, min6, min7Assessmentmusicianship                 
Intervals Written12min2, Maj2, min3, Maj3, min6, Maj6, min7, Maj7Assessmentmusicianship                 
Ensemble Arranging4Let Us Adore 4 Part ArrangementGlobalcomposing                
Jazz Songs1Jazz FusionNotationperforming            
Scales Aural0Scale Definition + ExamplesExercisemusicianship                 
Scales Aural1Maj, harmAuralmusicianship                 
Scales Aural2harm, melAuralmusicianship                 
Scales Aural3Maj, harm, melAuralmusicianship                 
Scales Aural4harm, natAuralmusicianship                 
Scales Aural5harm, mel, natAuralmusicianship                 
Scales Aural6Maj, harm, mel, natAuralmusicianship                 
Pentatonic Scales 1Pentatonic ScalesExercisemusicianship                  
Pentatonic Scales 2Pentatonic Scales ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Scales Aural13Maj, PentAuralmusicianship                 
Scales Aural14Maj, harm, mel, nat, PentAuralmusicianship                 
Blues Scales 1Blues ScalesExercisemusicianship                  
Blues Scales 2Blues Scales ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Whole Tone Scales 1Whole Tone ScalesExercisemusicianship                  
Whole Tone Scales 2Whole Tone Scales ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Instrument Ranges1ViolinNotationpublishing                   
Instrument Ranges2ViolaNotationpublishing                   
Instrument Ranges3FluteNotationpublishing                   
Instrument Ranges4ClarinetNotationpublishing                   
Instrument Ranges5Tenor SaxNotationpublishing                   
Instrument Ranges6TrumpetNotationpublishing                   
Instrument Ranges7TromboneNotationpublishing                   
Instrument Ranges8TubaNotationpublishing                   
Mixing1In the Mood Swing BandMixdowncomposing              
Mixing2Sabre Dance OrchestraMixdowncomposing              
Mixing3Sit Back Synthesizer BasedMixdowncomposing              
Jazz Songs2Jazz SwingNotationperforming            
Jazz Songs3Jazz JapaneseNotationperforming            
Chords Aural2Maj, AugAuralmusicianship                
Chords Aural3min, dimAuralmusicianship                
Chords Aural4Maj, min, aug, dimAuralmusicianship                
Chords Aural5Maj7, 7, m7Auralmusicianship                
Chords Aural6Maj, min, aug, dim, Maj7, 7, m7Auralmusicianship                
Chords Written3Maj, min, aug, dimExercisemusicianship               
Chords Written4Maj, aug, min, dimAssessmentmusicianship               
Chords Written57, Maj7, min7Exercisemusicianship               
Chords Written67, Maj7, m7Assessmentmusicianship               
Chords Written7Maj, min, aug, dim, 7, Maj7, min7Assessmentmusicianship               
Anacrusis1When the SaintsNotationpublishing                   
Anacrusis2Away in a MangerNotationpublishing                   
Anacrusis3Grand Old FlagNotationpublishing                   
Anacrusis4Battle Hymn of the RepublicNotationpublishing                   
Anacrusis5We Wish You a Merry ChristmasNotationpublishing                   
Anacrusis6Londonerry AirNotationpublishing                   
Anacrusis7Advance Australia FairNotationpublishing                   
Anacrusis8Happy BirthdayNotationpublishing                   
Choir Songs3Hallelujah ChorusNotationperforming            
Writing Manuscript5Notes, Dynamics, Accents, Slurs, SectionsNotationpublishing                  
Drum Grooves3Compose Country StyleDrumcomposing                 
Drum Grooves4Compose Latin StyleDrumcomposing                 
Repeats1Country GardenNotationpublishing                    
Repeats3Vive La CompagnieNotationpublishing                    
1st and 2nd Endings1Jazz DemoNotationpublishing                    
1st and 2nd Endings2Jingle BellsNotationpublishing                    
1st and 2nd Endings3March SlavNotationpublishing                    
Modes 1Mode Definition and NamesExercisemusicianship                  
Modes 2Modes ReviewAssessmentmusicianship                  
Advanced Performance1A New Commandment, SoloGlobalperforming            
Changing Tonality1Major to Natural MinorNotationpublishing                  
Changing Tonality2Major to Harmonic MinorNotationpublishing                  
Film Scoring2Puppets: 2 Instrumental + DrumsGlobalcomposing              
Christmas Ensembles1O Holy Night Wind EnsembleGlobalperforming            
Christmas Ensembles2Angels We Have Heard Duet + RhythmGlobalperforming            
Christmas Ensembles3We Three Kings Big BandGlobalperforming            
Lesson TopicTaskTask DescriptionDisplay ViewActivity TypeContent DescriptorsMusical ConceptsSyllabus Outcomes
Rhythmic Exercises5Crotchets, Quavers+Dotted, SemiquaversExercisemusicianship                 
Rhythmic Exercises6Crotchets, Quavers+Dotted, Semiquavers, TripletsExercisemusicianship                 
Rhythmic Dictation5Crotchets, Quavers+Dotted, SemiquaversAssessmentmusicianship                 
Rhythmic Dictation6Crotchets, Quavers+Dotted, Semiquavers, TripletsAssessmentmusicianship                 
Melodic Exercises55 Notes, crotchets + 2 quavers, 4 barsExercisemusicianship               
Melodic Exercises66 Notes, crotchets + 2 quavers, 4 barsExercisemusicianship               
Melodic Dictation55 Notes, crotchets + 2 quavers, 4 barsAssessmentmusicianship               
Melodic Dictation66 Notes, crotchets + 2 quavers, 4 barsAssessmentmusicianship               
Intervals Aural13Per4, dim5, Per5Auralmusicianship                    
Intervals Aural14min3, dim5, min6Auralmusicianship                    
Intervals Aural15min3, Per4, dim5, Per5, min6Auralmusicianship                    
Intervals Aural16min2, Maj2, min3, Maj3, Per4, dim5, Per5, min6, Maj6, min7, Maj7, Per8Auralmusicianship                    
Intervals Written13Per4, dim5, Per5Assessmentmusicianship                   
Intervals Written14min3, dim5, min6Assessmentmusicianship                   
Intervals Written15min3, Per4, dim5, Per5, min6Assessmentmusicianship                   
Intervals Written16min2, Maj2, min3, Maj3, Per4, dim5, Per5, min6, Maj6, min7, Maj7, Per8Assessmentmusicianship                   
Mixing4Salsa Fever Big BandMixdowncomposing            
Jazz Songs4Jazz LatinNotationperforming             
Scales Aural7harm, BlueAuralmusicianship                   
Scales Aural8Maj, WhTAuralmusicianship                   
Scales Aural9Blue, WhTAuralmusicianship                   
Scales Aural10Maj, harm, Blue, WhTAuralmusicianship                   
Scales Aural11harm, mel, nat, BlueAuralmusicianship                   
Scales Aural12Maj, harm, mel, nat, Blue, WhTAuralmusicianship                   
Scales Aural15Maj, WhT, PentAuralmusicianship                   
Scales Aural16Maj, harm, mel, nat, Blue, WhT, PentAuralmusicianship                   
Sight Singing1Sight Singing Exercise level 1Notationperforming             
Sight Singing2Sight Singing Assessment level 1Notationperforming             
Sight Singing3Sight Singing Exercise level 2Notationperforming             
Sight Singing4Sight Singing Assessment level 2Notationperforming             
Sight Singing5Sight Singing Exercise level 3Notationperforming             
Sight Singing6Sight Singing Assessment level 3Notationperforming             
Sight Singing7Sight Singing Exercise level 4Notationperforming             
Sight Singing8Sight Singing Assessment level 4Notationperforming             
Sight Singing9Sight Singing Exercise level 5Notationperforming             
Sight Singing10Sight Singing Assessment level 5Notationperforming             
Sight Singing11Sight Singing Exercise level 6Notationperforming             
Sight Singing12Sight Singing Assessment level 6Notationperforming             
DC al Fine1We Wish You a Merry ChristmasNotationpublishing                  
DC al Fine2Twinkle Twinkle Little StarNotationpublishing                  
DC al Fine3Trumpet VoluntaryNotationpublishing                  
DS al Fine1Camptown RacesNotationpublishing                  
DS al Fine2Lightly RowNotationpublishing                  
DS al Fine3Ode to JoyNotationpublishing                  
DC al Coda1Jazz DemoNotationpublishing                  
DC al Coda2Pomp and CircumstanceNotationpublishing                  
DS al Coda1Twinkle Twinkle Little StarNotationpublishing                  
DS al Coda2Bonnies RevengeNotationpublishing                  
Jazz Songs5Jazz BluesNotationperforming             
Jazz Songs6Jazz FusionNotationperforming             
Chords Aural7Maj, Maj1, min, min1Auralmusicianship                  
Chords Aural8Maj, Maj1, Maj2, min, min1, min2Auralmusicianship                  
Chords Aural9Maj, Maj1, Maj2, min, min1, min2, Maj7, 7, m7Auralmusicianship                  
Chords Aural10dim, dim7, m7-5Auralmusicianship                  
Chords Aural11dim, dim7, m7-5, aug, Maj7, 7, m7Auralmusicianship                  
Chords Aural12Maj, Maj1, Maj2, min, min1, min2, Maj7, 7, m7, aug, dim, dim7, m7-5Auralmusicianship                  
Chords Written8Maj1, Maj2, min1, min2Exercisemusicianship                 
Chords Written9Maj1, Maj2, min1, min2Assessmentmusicianship                 
Chords Written10dim, dim7, m7-5Exercisemusicianship                 
Chords Written11dim, dim7, m7-5Assessmentmusicianship                 
Chords Written12Maj, min, aug, dim, Maj7, 7, m7, Maj1, Maj2, min1, min2, dim7, m7-5Assessmentmusicianship                 
Chord Inversions1First InversionNotationmusicianship                
Chord Inversions2First InversionNotationmusicianship                
Chord Inversions3First and Second InversionNotationmusicianship                
Chord Inversions4First and Second InversionNotationmusicianship                
Radio Remix1Shorten Big Inflation Rate to 3 minutesGlobalcomposing            
Radio Remix2Remix Big Inflation RateGlobalcomposing            
Rock Songs3Indian RockNotationperforming             
Note Recognition3Alto ClefNotationpublishing                    
Note Recognition4Tenor ClefNotationpublishing                    
Note Recognition5Grand StaffNotationpublishing                    
Composing Parts1Compose Melody over AccompanimentNotationcomposing            
Composing Parts2Compose a Drum TrackDrumcomposing            
Composing Parts3Compose a Bass TrackNotationcomposing            
Orchestral Songs3Bach Sonata in E MajorGlobalperforming             
Orchestral Songs4Hall of the Mountain KingGlobalperforming             
Publishing Layout1Title, Composer, Arranger, FootnoteNotationpublishing                  
Publishing Layout2Part Name, Bar/Page Numbers, PrintGlobalpublishing                  
Publishing Layout3Transposed Conductor ScoreGlobalpublishing                  
Note Comparison1Identify Pitch of 1 Treble NoteNotationmusicianship                    
Note Comparison2Identify Pitch of 1 Treble NoteNotationmusicianship                    
Note Comparison3Identify Pitch of 1 Treble NoteNotationmusicianship                    
Note Comparison4Identify Pitch of 1 Treble NoteNotationmusicianship                    
Note Comparison5Identify Pitch of 1 Treble NoteNotationmusicianship                    
Note Comparison6Identify Pitch of 2 Treble NotesNotationmusicianship                    
Note Comparison7Identify Pitch of 2 Treble NotesNotationmusicianship                    
Note Comparison8Identify Pitch of 2 Treble NotesNotationmusicianship                    
Note Comparison9Identify Pitch of 2 Treble NotesNotationmusicianship                    
Note Comparison10Identify Pitch of 2 Treble NotesNotationmusicianship                    
Improvisation1Call and ResponseGlobalperforming              
Improvisation2Improvise on 4 bar phrasesGlobalperforming              
Improvisation3Trading 8 Bar SolosGlobalperforming              
Film Scoring3Puppets: 4 Instrumental + Drums Globalcomposing           
Cadences Aural0Cadence Definition + ExamplesExercisemusicianship                  
Cadences Aural1Perf, PlagAuralmusicianship                  
Cadences Aural2Perf, ImpAuralmusicianship                  
Cadences Aural3Imp, IntAuralmusicianship                  
Cadences Aural4Perf, Plag, ImpAuralmusicianship                  
Cadences Aural5Perf, Imp, IntAuralmusicianship                  
Cadences Aural6Perf, Plag, Imp, IntAuralmusicianship                  
Cadences Written0Cadence Definition + ExamplesExercisemusicianship                 
Cadences Written1Perf, PlagNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written2Perf, PlagNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written3Perf, PlagNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written4Perf, ImpNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written5Perf, ImpNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written6Perf, ImpNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written7Imp, IntNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written8Imp, IntNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written9Imp, IntNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written10Perf, Plag, ImpNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written11Perf, Plag, ImpNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written12Perf, Plag, ImpNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written13Perf, Imp, IntNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written14Perf, Imp, IntNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written15Perf, Imp, IntNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written16Perf, Plag, Imp, IntNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written17Perf, Plag, Imp, IntNotationmusicianship                 
Cadences Written18Perf, Plag, Imp, IntNotationmusicianship                 
4Part Writing14 Part Ode to JoyNotationmusicianship               
4Part Writing24 Part Harmony I IV VNotationmusicianship               
4Part Writing34 Part Harmony I IV VNotationmusicianship               
4Part Writing44 Part Harmony I II IV V V7 VINotationmusicianship               
Arranging3Harmonise a Melody in 4 PartsNotationcomposing             
Arranging4Harmonise Trumpet Voluntary in 4 PartsNotationcomposing             
Beginner Songs
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.
Instrument Families
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about the instrument families and how each are played. Each family shows the instruments including their name, appearance and sound.
Musical Stories
Musical Concepts
This lesson uses stories to teach the musical concepts by asking questions such as duration, pitch, volume and sequence as the various sounds are heard.
Staff, Clef and Notes
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about the musical staff, treble and bass clefs and notes including ledger line notes and the grand staff. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Note Durations
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about note durations from semibreve to semiquaver plus dotted notes. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Rest Durations
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about rest durations from semibreve to semiquaver plus dotted rests. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Instruments Aural
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to instruments and make choices about the instrument. Each task introduces new instruments and increase in level of difficulty.
Easy Songs
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.
Play-along Songs
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.
Folk Songs
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.
Changing Instruments
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a variety of sounds and be encouraged to experiment with standard and unusual instrumental timbres, explore the various instrumental sounds available through the sequencer's MIDI output, and link these sounds with particular instrumental names.
Correcting Instruments
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a variety of sounds and be encouraged to experiment with standard and unusual instrumental timbres, explore the various instrumental sounds available through the sequencer's MIDI output, link these sounds with particular instrumental names and make decisions as to the appropriateness of varied sounds when they are playing simultaneously.
Identifying Instruments
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to an arrangement of a recognized tune and use the 'MUTE' and 'SOLO' functions of the sequencer to aurally identify the various parts and label each track appropriately.
Musical Concepts
Students will open in the Tempo Editor a recognized song that traditionally involves varying tempi, consider such things as initial tempo, accellerando points, ralls, pauses etc, insert these into the tempo editor, check that the changes thay make have been successful by replaying the songfile, evaluate, edit and save their new songfile.
Drum Grooves
Musical Concepts
Students will open the sequencer into its Drum Editor, make decisions about appropriate drum sounds, eneter notes in this editor, experiment with the 'loop' function in the transport bar and create and edit an entire drum loop.
Writing Manuscript
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of a simple songfile, identify the various elements of that notation starting with notes and dynamics, then accents, slurs, triplets and section markings and copy them to a new empty track.
Adding Lyrics
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of a recognized song that is yet to have lyrics placed under the melody, choose the position that lyrics should be entered, use the Lyrics/Text function to enter lyrics into the notation, experiment with both lyric and text entry and, play the song while looking at the notation to make sure it would be easy to read for a performer.
Note Durations
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about note durations from semibreve to semiquaver plus dotted notes. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Rest Durations
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about rest durations from semibreve to semiquaver plus dotted rests. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Tempo Marks
Musical Concepts
Students will learn the English, Italian and numeric tempo marks that are used to indicate the tempo of the song including accelerando (speed up) and rallentando (slow down). Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Musical Forms
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about musical forms commencing with motives and phrases and leading to binary, ternary and rondo forms. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Intervals Aural
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to intervals and make choices about the interval type. Each task introduces new interval types and increase in level of difficulty.
Intervals Written
Musical Concepts
Students will view random intervals and make choices about the interval type. Each task introduces new interval types and increase in level of difficulty.
Christmas Solos
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.
Rock Songs
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.
Orchestral Songs
Musical Concepts
In tasks 1 and 2, students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed. In tasks 3 and 4, students will open a well known songfile and print all of the parts individually and give to the orchestral players to learn their parts. When all members have learned their part, assemble the orchestra and rehearse together. Save the songfile to indicate completion of this task and arrange an orchestral performance for the teacher.
Correcting Instruments
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a variety of sounds and be encouraged to experiment with standard and unusual instrumental timbres, explore the various instrumental sounds available through the sequencer's MIDI output, link these sounds with particular instrumental names and make decisions as to the appropriateness of varied sounds when they are playing simultaneously.
Selecting Instruments
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to an arrangement of a recognized tune that is yet to have its various parts assigned to instruments, make decisions as to which instruments are best to perform the various parts, make considerations of instrumental family groupings, experiment and then assign to the various parts standard and unusual instrumental timbres, explore specific instrumental sounds available through the sequencer's MIDI output, link these sounds with particular instrumental names and make decisions as to the appropriateness of varied sounds when they are playing simultaneously.
Identifying Instruments
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to an arrangement of a recognized tune and use the 'MUTE' and 'SOLO' functions of the sequencer to aurally identify the various parts and label each track appropriately.
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to an arrangement that has four parts and make decisions as to which instruments would best perform the various parts, experiment and then assign to the various parts instrumental timbres, ensure that all parts are playable within the range of each chosen instrument, create a publishable score and parts complete with title, composer, arranger etc. by using the 'Page Layout' function, explore specific instrumental sounds available through the sequencer's MIDI output, link these sounds with particular instrumental names, make decisions as to the appropriateness of varied sounds when they are playing simultaneously and print all parts and score ready for performance.
Using Dynamics
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a song with no dynamic contrast present, make decisions as to which dynamics are the most appropriate at various points throughout the piece, experiment with and then insert those into the notation and continually monitor the dynamic changes they have made by playing the songfile with the new dynamics.
Editing Notes
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a variety of well known tunes that have obvious mistakes in them, make musical decisions as to how they should edit the incorrect notes, experiment with and then insert those edits into the notation, continually monitoring the melodic changes they have made by playing the songfile with the edited notes.
Compose in Keyboard
Musical Concepts
Students will enter a keyboard editor view and 'use their ear' to enter a simple melody by entering notes into that editor, explore the relationship of a keyboard to the pitch of performed notes, create, edit and perform their composition, making decisions as to the appropriateness of notes they have entered.
Writing Manuscript
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of a simple songfile, identify the various elements of that notation starting with notes and dynamics, then accents, slurs, triplets and section markings and copy them to a new empty track.
Note Recognition
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notes in notation of a simple songfile, identify the various pitches and write these underneath the notes.
Adding Lyrics
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of a recognized song that is yet to have lyrics placed under the melody, choose the position that lyrics should be entered, use the Lyrics/Text function to enter lyrics into the notation, experiment with both lyric and text entry and, play the song while looking at the notation to make sure it would be easy to read for a performer.
Musical Concepts
Students will open a songfile and be directed to copy that song into a different clef, insert appropriate notation to create the song in its altered clef, listen to their completed response by pressing the number key on their computer keyboard that relates to the number of the exercise they have completed and check that their response is correct both visually and aurally.
Staff, Clef and Notes
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about the musical staff, treble and bass clefs and notes including ledger line notes and the grand staff. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Writing Counts
Musical Concepts
Students will open exercises in which there is a melody with boxes beneath each note for entering the counting, play the song and listen to where the notes are placed against the pulse, insert counting into the manuscript by using the count buttons, listen to their completed response and check that their response is correct both visually and aurally.
Bar and Time Signature
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about bars, barlines and time signatures of 4/4, 3/4, 2/4 and 6/8. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about dynamic marks to make the song louder and softer including crescendo (gradually louder) and descrescendo (graudally softer). Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about flat, sharp and natural accidentals and the rules concerning their use within a bar. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Accent Marks
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about accent marks associated with notes that make the notes accented to varying degress based on the accent mark. These accents also affect the note velocities. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Staccato Marks
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about staccato marks associated with notes that change the note's duration to varying degress based on the staccato mark. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Musical Forms
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about musical forms commencing with motives and phrases and leading to binary, ternary and rondo forms. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Intervals Aural
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to intervals and make choices about the interval type. Each task introduces new interval types and increase in level of difficulty.
Intervals Written
Musical Concepts
Students will view random intervals and make choices about the interval type. Each task introduces new interval types and increase in level of difficulty.
Choir Songs
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, viewing all 4 parts (SATB) in the notation editor; print the conductor score and give to the other members of the choir; then choose and learn your part. When all members have learned their part, assemble the choir and rehearse together. Save the songfile to indicate completion of this task and arrange a performance for the teacher.
Folk Advanced
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.
Ensemble Arranging
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to an arrangement of Beethoven's Ode To Joy, assign the stated instruments to the various parts, ensure that all parts are playable within the range of each chosen instrument, create a publishable score and parts complete with title, composer, arranger etc. by using the 'Page Layout' function, make decisions as to the appropriateness of varied sounds when they are playing simultaneously and print all parts and score ready for performance.
Using Dynamics
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a song with no dynamic contrast present, make decisions as to which dynamics are the most appropriate at various points throughout the piece, experiment with and then insert those into the notation and continually monitor the dynamic changes they have made by playing the songfile with the new dynamics.
Adding Chords
Musical Concepts
Students will open a songfile and hear it playing without any harmony, make decisions as to which chords are the most appropriate to accompany the piece, experiment with and then insert those chords into the notation, continually monitoring the harmonic changes they have made by playing the songfile.
Ensemble Balance
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to various musical examples and hear that some of the individual parts are obviously too loud or too soft, explore the use of the sequencer's volume controls to address issues of ensemble balance, constantly edit and play the songfile while making these considerations of balance.
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to and edit a variety of songs where the rhythmic performance is uneven and requires quantizing to improve the sound, make decisions as to which quantize values are the most appropriate, experiment with and then insert those values, continually monitor the rhythmic changes they have made by playing the songfile with the new quantizing.
Compose in Keyboard
Musical Concepts
Students will enter a keyboard editor view and 'use their ear' to enter a simple melody by entering notes into that editor, explore the relationship of a keyboard to the pitch of performed notes, create, edit and perform their composition, making decisions as to the appropriateness of notes they have entered.
Drum Grooves
Musical Concepts
Students will open the sequencer into its Drum Editor, make decisions about appropriate drum sounds, eneter notes in this editor, experiment with the 'loop' function in the transport bar and create and edit an entire drum loop.
Film Scoring
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to and edit a variety of songs, make decisions as to which music is most appropriate, experiment with and then collate these clips, continually monitoring the chosen clips to ensure that these capture the desired mood and atmosphere required to synchronize with a video clip.
Writing Manuscript
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of a simple songfile, identify the various elements of that notation starting with notes and dynamics, then accents, slurs, triplets and section markings and copy them to a new empty track.
Chord Symbols
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of a recognized song that is yet to have chord symbols entered, experiment with various chords at each part of the song, select the most appropriate chord for each section of the song, choose the position that chord symbols should be entered, use the chords function to enter chord symbols into the notation and, play the song while looking at the notation to make sure it would be easy to read for a performer.
Writing Dynamics
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a well known tune that is lacking any dynamics, explore the various dynamic levels available in the Notation Editor, experiment with entering crescendos and decrescendos using the Dynamics Grade function, select appropriate dynamics that will enhance the sound of the song and then insert them into the notation.
Time Signatures
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of a series of well-known tunes written with incorrect time signatures, identify the difficulty in reading that notation, use the time signature function to alter the appearance of the notation, select and insert the most appropriate time signatures into the exercise and, play the song while looking at the notation to make sure it would be easy to read for a performer.
Semitones and Tones
Musical Concepts
Students will learn the meaning of a semitone and tone. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Ties and Slurs
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about ties and slurs and what each of these means and when they are used in music. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Enharmonic Notes
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about enharmonic notes and when each should be used in the context of key signatures. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Rhythmic Exercises
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a series of 4-bar musical examples with increasing difficulty ranging from crotchet and quaver pairs to semiquavers and aurally identify the correct set of rhythms for each beat to match the rhythmic sound of the music and insert this item into the notation. Listen to the completed response by again playing the rhythmic phrase and check that the response is correct both visually and aurally then press submit and the software will assess and mark the response.
Rhythmic Dictation
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a series of 4-bar musical examples with increasing difficulty ranging from crotchet and quaver pairs to semiquavers and aurally identify the correct set of rhythms for each beat to match the rhythmic sound of the music and insert this item into the notation. Listen to the completed response by again playing the rhythmic phrase and check that the response is correct both visually and aurally then press submit and the software will assess and mark the response.
Melodic Exercises
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a series of 2-bar or 4-bar musical examples with increasing difficulty ranging from crotchet and quaver pairs and 3 notes to 6 notes and aurally identify the correct set of rhythms and pitches for each beat to match the rhythmic and melodic sound of the music and insert this item into the notation. Listen to the completed response by again playing the musical phrase and check that the response is correct both visually and aurally then press submit and the software will assess and mark the response.
Melodic Dictation
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a series of 2-bar or 4-bar musical examples with increasing difficulty ranging from crotchet and quaver pairs and 3 notes to 6 notes and aurally identify the correct set of rhythms and pitches for each beat to match the rhythmic and melodic sound of the music and insert this item into the notation. Listen to the completed response by again playing the musical phrase and check that the response is correct both visually and aurally then press submit and the software will assess and mark the response.
Major Scales
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about tetrachords, and major scales consisting of two tetrachords. Task 2 is all the sharp scales and Task 3 is all the flat scales. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments in Tasks 4 and 5 will record student results.
Major Key Signatures
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about key signatures and why we have them. Task 1 is all the sharp keys and Task 2 is all the flat keys and Task 3 is the circle of fifths. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments in Task 4 will record student results.
Minor Scales
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about 3 types of minor scales - natural, harmonic and melodic. The natural minor scale is the relative minor to the major scale starting on the 6th scale degree. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments in Task 2 will record student results.
Solfa and Transposition
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about the Solfa System including movable Do. This leads to learning about transposition from one key to another. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments in Tasks 2 and 4 will record student results.
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about syncopation when the emphasis is placed on notes other than the strong beats within a bar. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments in Task 2 will record student results.
Intervals Aural
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to intervals and make choices about the interval type. Each task introduces new interval types and increase in level of difficulty.
Intervals Written
Musical Concepts
Students will view random intervals and make choices about the interval type. Each task introduces new interval types and increase in level of difficulty.
Chords Aural
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to chords and make choices about the chord type. Each task introduces new chord types and increase in level of difficulty.
Chords Written
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about major and minor triads plus diminished and augmented triads. Then add dominant, major, minor and diminished 7ths plus 1st and 2nd inversions and finally half diminished. Students will view random chords and make choices about the chord type. Each task introduces new chord types and increase in level of difficulty.
Creating Chords
Musical Concepts
Students will open a songfile and be directed to create specific chords, insert appropriate notation to create the required chords, listen to their completed response by pressing the number key on their computer keyboard that relates to the number of the exercise they have completed and check that their response is correct both visually and aurally.
Major Key Harmony
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about using chords I, IV and V to harmonise a melody based on the notes within each of these chords. Students then learn about passing and neighbouring notes that don't contribute to chords to harmonise a melody. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results. Students will then harmonise a melody using these principles.
Minor Key Harmony
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about using chords i, iv and V7 to harmonise a melody based on the notes within each of these chords. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Choir Songs
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, viewing all 4 parts (SATB) in the notation editor; print the conductor score and give to the other members of the choir; then choose and learn your part. When all members have learned their part, assemble the choir and rehearse together. Save the songfile to indicate completion of this task and arrange a performance for the teacher.
Jazz Songs
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.
Christmas Ensembles
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile and print all of the parts indiidually and give to the ensemble players then choose and learn your part. When all members have learned their part, assemble the ensemble and rehearse together. Save the songfile to indicate completion of this task and arrange an ensemble performance for the teacher.
Advanced Performance
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile (slightly more complex than in Performance), and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.
Ensemble Arranging
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to an arrangement of Beethoven's Ode To Joy, assign the stated instruments to the various parts, ensure that all parts are playable within the range of each chosen instrument, create a publishable score and parts complete with title, composer, arranger etc. by using the 'Page Layout' function, make decisions as to the appropriateness of varied sounds when they are playing simultaneously and print all parts and score ready for performance.
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to several tunes which have had all track volumes programmed at zero (ie. no sound), adjust each individual track volume to make it be heard, edit those volumes so that they are balanced with other audible tracks and complete a 'mix' of each of the various songfiles.
Drum Grooves
Musical Concepts
Students will open the sequencer into its Drum Editor, make decisions about appropriate drum sounds, eneter notes in this editor, experiment with the 'loop' function in the transport bar and create and edit an entire drum loop.
Film Scoring
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to and edit a variety of songs, make decisions as to which music is most appropriate, experiment with and then collate these clips, continually monitoring the chosen clips to ensure that these capture the desired mood and atmosphere required to synchronize with a video clip.
Writing Manuscript
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of a simple songfile, identify the various elements of that notation starting with notes and dynamics, then accents, slurs, triplets and section markings and copy them to a new empty track.
Musical Concepts
Students will open a songfile and be directed to copy that song into a different clef, insert appropriate notation to create the song in its altered clef, listen to their completed response by pressing the number key on their computer keyboard that relates to the number of the exercise they have completed and check that their response is correct both visually and aurally.
Time Signatures
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of a series of well-known tunes written with incorrect time signatures, identify the difficulty in reading that notation, use the time signature function to alter the appearance of the notation, select and insert the most appropriate time signatures into the exercise and, play the song while looking at the notation to make sure it would be easy to read for a performer.
Instrument Ranges
Musical Concepts
Students will edit the melody of the Australian National Anthem so that it is heard to be played by a variety of instruments, identify sections in that notation which fall outside the chosen instrument's playable range (check the Instrument Library), use the transposition function to alter the appearance and sound of the notation (notes outside the range will not sound), play the song while looking and listening to make sure the notes can in fact be heard and performed on their chosen instrument. Instruments are strings, woodwind and brass.
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of several well-known tunes that each contain possible points of anacrusis, identify the difficulty in reading that notation, use the anacrusis function to alter the appearance of the notation, experiment with possibilities of anacrusis, select and insert the most appropriate position to place the anacrusis in each tune and play the song while looking at the notation to make sure it would be easy to read for a performer.
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of a simple songfile, identify the various sections of that notation and the song structure, use repeat sections to hide the song sections that are repeats and play the song while looking and listening to make sure the notation looks as it sounds.
1st and 2nd Endings
Musical Concepts
Students will view the notation of a simple songfile, identify the various sections of that notation in the song structure, use 1st & 2nd time endings to alter the appearance of the notation and play the song while looking and listening to make sure the notation looks as it sounds.
Changing Tonality
Musical Concepts
Students will open a songfile in which there is a simple tune in a major key, play the song and listen to its tonality, use the key signature function to alter that tune to its tonic minor key, view the notation which will have many accidentals now present, use those accidentals as an indicator of where the tonality could be altered, edit each of those accidentals so that their note changes in pitch and becomes part of the new key and play the song and listen to its new natural minor tonality.
Rhythmic Exercises
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a series of 4-bar musical examples with increasing difficulty ranging from crotchet and quaver pairs to semiquavers and aurally identify the correct set of rhythms for each beat to match the rhythmic sound of the music and insert this item into the notation. Listen to the completed response by again playing the rhythmic phrase and check that the response is correct both visually and aurally then press submit and the software will assess and mark the response.
Rhythmic Dictation
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a series of 4-bar musical examples with increasing difficulty ranging from crotchet and quaver pairs to semiquavers and aurally identify the correct set of rhythms for each beat to match the rhythmic sound of the music and insert this item into the notation. Listen to the completed response by again playing the rhythmic phrase and check that the response is correct both visually and aurally then press submit and the software will assess and mark the response.
Melodic Exercises
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a series of 2-bar or 4-bar musical examples with increasing difficulty ranging from crotchet and quaver pairs and 3 notes to 6 notes and aurally identify the correct set of rhythms and pitches for each beat to match the rhythmic and melodic sound of the music and insert this item into the notation. Listen to the completed response by again playing the musical phrase and check that the response is correct both visually and aurally then press submit and the software will assess and mark the response.
Melodic Dictation
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to a series of 2-bar or 4-bar musical examples with increasing difficulty ranging from crotchet and quaver pairs and 3 notes to 6 notes and aurally identify the correct set of rhythms and pitches for each beat to match the rhythmic and melodic sound of the music and insert this item into the notation. Listen to the completed response by again playing the musical phrase and check that the response is correct both visually and aurally then press submit and the software will assess and mark the response.
Intervals Aural
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to intervals and make choices about the interval type. Each task introduces new interval types and increase in level of difficulty.
Intervals Written
Musical Concepts
Students will view random intervals and make choices about the interval type. Each task introduces new interval types and increase in level of difficulty.
Scales Aural
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to scales and make choices about the scale type. Each task introduces new scale types and increase in level of difficulty.
Pentatonic Scales
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about pentatonic scales and be asked to construct major pentatonic scales in various keys. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Blues Scales
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about blues scales and be asked to construct blues scales in various keys. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Whole Tone Scales
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about whole tone scales and be asked to construct whole tone scales in various keys. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Chords Aural
Musical Concepts
Students will listen to chords and make choices about the chord type. Each task introduces new chord types and increase in level of difficulty.
Chords Written
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about major and minor triads plus diminished and augmented triads. Then add dominant, major, minor and diminished 7ths plus 1st and 2nd inversions and finally half diminished. Students will view random chords and make choices about the chord type. Each task introduces new chord types and increase in level of difficulty.
Musical Concepts
Students will learn about the 7 modes which are the major scales starting on each of the scale degrees. Each of these modes is given a Greek name. Exercises will test this knowledge with immediate prompts and assessments will record student results.
Jazz Songs
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.
Rock Songs
Musical Concepts
Students will open a well known songfile, and view the melody of this song in the notation editor making changes to the instrument and transposition as appropriate for their own instrument. Play along with the accompaniment to learn the song on their instrument and save the song when completed.