Frequently Asked Questions
Can you only register for Mastering Music Online using a Google or Microsoft Account?
Yes. All of your song files and all of the work saved from lesson files get stored on your Google or One Drive.
Therefore, you must be signed in with Google or Microsoft to use this software.
Is Mastering Music Online only for Education Use?
No. You can register for educational use and family use.
Schools, Colleges and Universities that use Google Classroom or Microsoft will find it very easy to use Mastering Music Online.
How do teachers assign lessons to their students?
1. With Google Classroom
- Browse the lessons for the desired Year Level group and click the Google Classroom icon for the desired lesson
- Choose the class from the class list
- Type any instructions required and assign the lesson to the class
2. With Microsoft or other LMS
- Set up a page in your LMS to link to Mastering Music Online or create a course in your LMS to a series of lesson tasks
- Set up a link to this page in your LMS for the students who require access
- Inform the relevant classes of the new link in the LMS
3. Create a Lesson Plan in Mastering Music Online
- Go to the Lesson Plans page (Teachers only) and create a lesson plan
- Create a series of Lesson Topics and select the lessons for each topic filtered by activity type and year level
- Assign this lesson plan to one or more groups (classes)
How do students work on the assigned lesson?
- Open the lesson within Mastering Music by clicking on the URL link in their email or the LMS
- Work on the assignment and save the work to their Google or One Drive by clicking "Save Task"
- Resume work on the assigned lesson by opening the saved work from their Google or One Drive or by
clicking the original URL link in their email and selecting their previously saved work when prompted
- Studio lessons can be marked by teachers using the rubric and teacher interface within Mastering Music.